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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > Virus_purification_kit > academy biomed/[P11]人载脂蛋白CI(Apo CI)/0.2 mg/31P-102
商品详细academy biomed/[P11]人载脂蛋白CI(Apo CI)/0.2 mg/31P-102
academy biomed/[P11]人载脂蛋白CI(Apo CI)/0.2 mg/31P-102
academy biomed/[P11]人载脂蛋白CI(Apo CI)/0.2 mg/31P-102
商品编号: 31P-102
品牌: academybiomed
市场价: ¥4500.00
美元价: 2250.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 病毒纯化试剂盒
公司分类: Virus_purification_kit
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
Concentration:1 mg / ml, determined by the Lowry method 
Source:From fresh human plasma that has tested negative for Hepatitis C, HIV-I and HIV-II antibodies as well as Hepatitis surface antigens.
Purification:After series ultracentrifugations, Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) is isolated from human plasma. Apo CI is purified from delipidated VLDL, followed by gel-filtration and DEAE-Sepharcyl chromatography.
Purity:≥ 98% by SDS-PAGE
Buffer:In 75 mM Sodium Phosphate, 75 m M NaCl, 0.02 % NaN3, 1 mM EDTA, p H 7.4.
Storage:-20°C for long-term storage, 4°C for short- term storage. Aliquot to avoid repeated freezing and thawing.


*The products are for research or manufacturing use only, not for use in human therapeutic or diagnostic applications.


ApoCI contains 57 amino acid residues and the m.w. is 6.6 kDa (Jackson et al., 1974).

ApoCI has been found to activate LCAT (Liu and Subbaiah 1993). Apo CI is an inhibitor of lipoprotein binding to the LDL receptor, LDL receptor-related protein, and VLDL receptor. Apo CI is also an inhibitor of the plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein and of fatty acid uptake into tissues (Shachter, 2001). This inhibition role can potentially regulate several lipase enzymes (Poensgen, 1990, Conde-Knape et al., 2002; Berbee et al., 2005.)

Berbee J.F., C.C. van der Hoogt, D. Sundararaman, L.M. Havekes, and P.C. Rensen. “Severe hypertriglyceridemia in human APOC1 transgenic mice is caused by apoC-I-induced inhibition of LPL.” J. Lipid. Res. 46 (2005) 297-306.

Conde-Knape K., A. Bensadoun, J.H. Sobel. J.S. Cohn, and N.S. Shachter. “Overexpression of apoC-I in apoE-null mice: severe hypertriglyceridemia due to inhibition of hepatic lipase” J. Lipid Res. 43 (2002): 2136-2145.

Jackson R.L.,  J. T.  Sparrow, H. N. Baker, J.D. Morrisett, O. D. Taunton, and A. M. Jr. Gotto. “The primary structure of apolipoprotein-serine.” J. Biol. Chem. 249.16 (1974): 5308-13.

Liu, M. and P.V. Subbaiah. “Activation of plasma lysolecithin acyltransferase reaction by apolipoproteins A-I, C-I and E.” Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1168 (1993):  144-152.

Poensgen, J., “Apolipoprotein C-1 inhibits the hydrolysis by phospholipase A2 of phospholipids in liposomes and cell membranes” Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1042 (1990): 188-192.

Shachter, Neil S., “Apolipoproteins C-I and C-III as important modulators of lipoprotein metabolism” Current Opinion in Lipidology 12(3): 297-304.



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[P11][P12]2015Trenchevska, Olgica; Schaab, Matthew R.; Nelson, Randall W.; Nedelkov, Dobrin (2015): Development of multiplex mass spectrometric immunoassay for detection and quantification of apolipoproteins C-I, C-II, C-III and their proteoforms. In Methods (San Diego, Calif.) 81, pp. 86–92. DOI: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2015.02.020.
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[P11][P12]2006Kawakami, Akio; Aikawa, Masanori; Libby, Peter; Alcaide, Pilar; Luscinskas, Francis W.; Sacks, Frank M. (2006): Apolipoprotein CIII in apolipoprotein B lipoproteins enhances the adhesion of human monocytic cells to endothelial cells. In Circulation 113 (5), pp. 691–700. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.105.591743.
自1995年以来,Academy生物医学公司一直致力于以合理的价格向心血管和动脉粥样硬化研究领域提供高质量的抗体。我们很荣幸为科学界提供我们致力于脂蛋白,载脂蛋白领域研究的抗体和试剂。 ,以及它们的氧化改性产物。